VHACars - FAQ's

Before you book

Does our prices the same as Yellow Metered Taxis?

No – Our prices are estimated to be close to taxi rates. On short journeys we are often more expensive, but on longer journeys we are often a little cheaper!

Does our cars have meters in them to calculate the fare?

No - Our rates are a quoted fixed base price. For instance, in slow moving traffic our price stays the same!

Do we add extra cost?

Yes – We have extra surcharges for transfers to country areas and for ve ry early or late pick up times, but it will be included in the quoted price as per your requirement. Please refer to travel price list and quote/bookings pages.

Do we provide baby seats and is there a charge for the baby seats?

Yes. We provide the complete range of seats from capsules up to boosters for older children. There is a surcharge of $15.00 per car seat.

Do I have to pre-book a car?

Yes, all bookings must be pre booked – preferably the day prior to travel during office h ours of 4.30am to 10.00pm 7 days.

My travel needs sometimes change at the last minute, can I book or change a booking on the same day?

Yes you can change an existing booking at any time. A new booking can often be made asap on the same day, but sometimes we simply have to say that we are not able to help due to the late notice.

Do you accept all credit cards?


Are there any charges for accepting payment by credit card?

Yes, please refer to the Payment Options tab on this site.

Does our cars licenced by the appropriate government authorities?

Yes. The cars all have the correct Licence requirements and operate under the control of the Taxi Services Commission ( Unlike Uber X which operates illegally ) which looks after all taxis and Hire/Corporate/Chauffeured cars and vans in Victoria. They are all insured and comply with all government and Melbourne Airport requirements.